Dr Vidkar Ivan Campos Cirugia Plastica Reynosa

GIVE YOUR BEST FACE, Facial Lifting, Vitality and Youth

Posted by Administrator (drcamposcom) on Mar 12 2014
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Aging is the natural consequence of the passage of time. Its aftermath, prolonged exposure to sunlight or the stress of everyday life are especially evident on the face and neck, causing furrows and folds that cause the expression to lose definition. All these effects can be improved with the Lifting.

The Lifting is a treatment that does not take years but helps to improve the appearance, restore the skin tone and recover the points of light and facial reliefs, providing a rejuvenating and vitality effect that time had made disappear.
There are many techniques for the treatment of facial aging. The surgeon will indicate which type of intervention is the most advisable in your case. It should be mentioned that the techniques have been perfected and have revolutionized in recent years, in such a way that the emphasis is mainly on the deep tissues of the face and not only on the skin, which gives us a consistent and safe long-term result. in young people as well as in elderly people.



As in all interventions, the previous medical examination is essential to detect any possible anomaly that might contraindicate the operation. The plastic surgeon will indicate what steps you should follow.
During the first consultation, the facial structure and the quality of the skin will be evaluated as well as the patient's general health status. Likewise, it will be interested in the expectations of the patient and will inform about all the relevant aspects regarding the surgery.



The Lifting can be done with local anesthesia and sedation. In those patients who require special treatment in the neck area, the use of general anesthesia may be recommended. The surgical process varies depending on the areas to be improved, the emphasis on the most affected areas, the placement and extension of the incisions and the application of complementary techniques.
A Lifting is done in a single intervention. The technique consists basically of repositioning the muscular layers, the skin and the fat, removing the excess tissue by means of an incision that usually begins in the area of ​​the temples (inside the hair), extends to the interior of the natural lines that exist in the ear and the scalp. In this way the scars are practically hidden. When the neck needs special treatment, it is necessary to make an incision just below the chin.
In addition to the skin, the surgical action is concentrated on the muscular, osseous and fatty structures of the face, which allows to achieve initial results more natural and more lasting.



After the intervention, the patient should usually stay in the hospital one day to monitor the drains if they are left, monitor vital signs and closer control between the doctor and patient. However, there may be a case in which it can be handled on an outpatient basis. The postoperative period is usually not painful and the discomfort can be controlled perfectly well with analgesics. The majority of the patients will incorporate their social and working life in approximately two weeks.
Do not forget that any surgical procedure of the face for aesthetic purposes must be done by a certified plastic surgeon, since in them you will find the preparation and the precise knowledge of the anatomy of the face and the familiarization of the different surgical techniques in each case in particular


Last changed: Feb 08 2018 at 3:37 PM


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